Browsing by Subject
Showing 1 through 60 out of 300 results
Subject |
XML 2 |
Wsdl 1 |
written text 1 |
Written language 1 |
Wordnets 1 |
WordNet-LMF 1 |
Wordnet Structure 1 |
WordNet 5 |
word-retrieval 2 |
word sense disambiguation 1 |
web service 1 |
Versi/prosa 6 |
Versi 35 |
Valency 1 |
Users' needs 1 |
Universal Dependencies 2 |
TXM 2 |
Treebank 1 |
travel writings 1 |
Trattatistica 13 |
Tokenization 1 |
Themes and motifs 1 |
textile fibres 1 |
Text annotation 2 |
Text analysis 1 |
terminology 6 |
Terminology 2 |
Terminological Resource 1 |
Teologia 21 |
TEI 2 |
Teatro 1 |
syntax 1 |
Syntax 1 |
Syntactic analysis 2 |
Survey data 2 |
Subcategorisation frames extraction 2 |
Storiografia 82 |
Sociolinguistics 1 |
Soap webservice 1 |
Smart City 1 |
sleeve 1 |
SKOS resources for multilingual technical terminology 1 |
SKOS 2 |
Sintassi 1 |
Similarity Score 2 |
SGML 1 |
Serbian 1 |
Sentiment lexicon 1 |
Sentiment analysis 2 |
Sentence splitting 1 |
semi-spontaneous speech 3 |
semantics 3 |
Semantica lessicale 1 |
Semantic web 3 |
semantic dataset 1 |
secular 375 |
Search Interface 1 |
Scienze naturali 3 |
Science 1 |